MIDLAND COUNTY ACREAGE - Nice open 14.32 acres of land in northern Midland County. Great location on paved road, 20 minutes from Midland and 10 minutes from Beaverton & Coleman. Would make a nice location to build or start a business. Property was an agricultural parcel at one time, but has not been tilled in years. $50, 000
Copyright © 2025 Clare-Gladwin Board of Realtors (CGBR) Listing provided by Clare-Gladwin Board of Realtors (CGBR). The information in this listing was gathered from third-party sources including the seller. Home Waters LLC its subscribers disclaim any and all representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information.
Re/max River Haven. 247 W. CEDAR AVE Gladwin, MI 48624
ALEX BILLOTTI, Exp Realty Llc. 117 N. 4th Street Coleman, MI 48618
Real estate evaluation can be a very subjective measure. These properties were chosen based on a simple series of objective numbers and may not actually be very similar to the property being searched. Contact a professional REALTOR for assistance in evaluating any given property.