Nice updated home on almost an acre with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Newer flooring, plumbing and electrical fixtures. Master suite with large bathroom. Recent central air. Newer 16x16 deck. One and a half car garage with a workshop. The property also features apple trees and a full yard invisible dog fence.
Copyright © 2025 Midland Board of Realtors (MBOR) Listing provided by Midland Board of Realtors (MBOR). The information in this listing was gathered from third-party sources including the seller. Home Waters LLC its subscribers disclaim any and all representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information.
Re/max Of Midland. 4900 Eastman Ave Midland, MI 48640
Lacey Mapes, Re/max Of Midland. 4900 Eastman Ave Midland, MI 48640
Real estate evaluation can be a very subjective measure. These properties were chosen based on a simple series of objective numbers and may not actually be very similar to the property being searched. Contact a professional REALTOR for assistance in evaluating any given property.